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合成化学  2024, Vol. 32 Issue (11): 1000-1006    DOI: 10.15952/j.cnki.cjsc.1005-1511.24102
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赵婉婷, 胡盼, 徐客兰, 余章彪*, 刘雄利, 邓国栋*
贵州大学 西南药食两用资源开发利用技术国家地方联合工程研究中心, 贵州 贵阳 550025
Synthesis of Chiral Phenanthroline-tertiary Amine Derived N-oxides and Their Application in Asymmetric Alkylation Reaction of Indole
ZHAO Wanting, HU Pan, XU Kelan, YU Zhangbiao*, LIU Xiongli, DENG Guodong*
National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center for the Exploition of Homology Resources of Medicine and Food, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
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